Shakespeare Deathmatch is both a novella and a game that are (c) 2021, Dr. Mike Desing, in case you wanted to thief me. You are a regular rake and a roustabout, so I have to watch myself.
The Novella follows some of Shakespeare's greatest characters (or at least my favorite ones) as they fight to the death. The novella starts here with Chapter 1.
The Game is a fast-paced, no-holds-barred battle royale between some of Shakespeare's greatest characters. Think you're up to the challenge? Well, you'll have to wait. The game is still in development. Sucks for you. However, you can read about its development using the links below:
Design Games is on a roll! Can't wait for this one to come out, Gayle and I want to try it as a possible new two-player activity!